Aerial view of Charleston, SC

I saw this vehicle parked outside of our premises at 95 Broad St. here in Charleston,SC.  The honest truth made me laugh out loud; I loved it. Someone is trying to make a living in this city of ours and has no pretensions about exactly how that can be achieved.

His audience is all around us. It is largely absentee owners that own those “nasty” houses or old dilapidated wooden homes that are slowly being demolished by neglect. Would our city be better if they were lived in? Certainly. Would it be a better place if they were removed? Doubtfully.

One of the big problems we face is caused by ignorance and/or poor education. Our city people often die without a will thus creating a self-perpetuating chain of Heirs properties. Worse than that, the Heirs themselves compound this mistake in a series of unpaid bills resulting in Liens on their only tangible assets. Many of our run down houses have so many tax and other liens served against them that the totality is greater than the declining value of the asset. The houses become impossible to buy or sell and are doomed by the resultant neglect.

So my message here is that there must be a better way for the city or state to protect these assets. Place the properties on the auction block at some trigger point and have done with it. Legalize the title thereafter free and clear.

Like the title says; there must be a better way than the system we use now.

Note: If you’re considering investing in one of Charleston’s neglected homes, we invite you to first download our FREE Discover Charleston guide and get to know a bit more about life in the Holy City:

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