Tim Sites--man outside
Meet Tim Sites: Architectural Advocacy. Historic Preservation. Marketing.

After 25 years as a senior marketing and public relations executive in Washington, DC, piloting brands for Fortune 1000 companies and advocating legislative issues for leading trade associations, Tim gave it all up. He traded his Armani tailored suits for a nail apron and hammer to become a licensed general contractor in the majestic Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia. In just a short time, Tim’s successful design/build firm, RiverStone Construction, was catering to the wishes of Washington clients from “inside the beltway ” looking for second homes in the mountains. Through his architectural designs, material selections and craftsmanship, Tim’s creative side found an outlet. His broad portfolio includes restoring 200-year old log cabins, refurbishing timber frame barns, preserving historic farmhouses and constructing new, contemporary homes. After building a second home on Folly Beach some 10 years ago, the call of Charleston and the architectural conservation being done here became too strong for Tim to resist. He recently made the leap of faith from Virginia to take his talents to another level. Drawing on his extensive marketing and construction experience, Tim has helped shape Luxury Simplified’s vision and reach. He has guided company restoration projects including the Major Peter Bocquet House, home to our office at 95 Broad Street.

The Gadsden House

Today, working alongside master craftsmen, many from the American College of the Building Arts located in downtown Charleston, Tim heads our team at the Gadsden House, Charleston’s most extensive historic restoration project of 2015. Managing hundreds of intricate details ranging from original moldings, plaster medallions, staircases & banisters, and leaded glass windows, Tim has the knowledge and craftsmanship to bring this grand circa 1800s Charleston Single house elegantly into the 21st century. When completed, the Gadsden House will be a preeminent venue for celebrated events, elegant parties and weddings. Contact our Events Manager Blythe Saucier for details on when the first event dates will be available as this extraordinary restoration project nears completion.

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