Often we are asked about historic Charleston, SC neighborhoods and within that, which make the best investments. Well, we can make the answer complicated or easy. If you want a grand antebellum home that will keep its value, then anywhere south of Calhoun St. will serve the purpose. If you want to live in a more edgy, vibrant area that’s changing quickly, then go West to Elliotborough or, even better, head to the East Side.

The Eastside is the area that old Charleston does not go to. It’s the Soho of London, or the Harlem of New York, but with a unique Charleston charm … mixed communities representing all races and a range of income brackets. Students attending nearby College of Charleston mix with those who have lived and worked here for generations. Houses in this area are the most affordable on the Charleston peninsula and, as a result, the area is changing rapidly. We have over 20 of our own properties here either rented or in the pipeline for renovation or new build. Returns are healthy and eventually all will become good, historic and simply beautiful family homes.

Tips for buyers – be diligent in your title search, for titles of these are often very clouded. Tax liens can make life interesting and also take care as some areas around the Eastside flood quite often. Reid St., Hanover St., and the south part of America St. are a few to look carefully at. We love this area and have invested our own funds here making significant differences to this downtown neighborhood. Come speak with us if you need to understand what it offers for you.

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